Členský průkaz Klubu chovatelů kníračů z roku 1967

The name of my kennel is part of my name.Kennel “” Z Hofjaru “” started 1967, at this year I did breed my first puppies of Giant Schnauzers.I also breed Sealyham Terrier, German Shepherd,Miniature Bullterrier.Mini.Bulls.I did love very much, but for the health problems they have, I stop to breed them.I also did breed some of the really good pepper and salt Standard Schnauzers, and since 1973 black Miniature Schnauzers, from time to time up today.

But my speciality since 1976 is BLACK STANDARD SCHNAUZER, whith whom I fell in love, especialy for their temperament.They are wonderfull family pets and easy to train. Also Standard Schnauzer is a breed which never really have any health problems.


The base of my black Standard Schnauzers was bitch “Gipsy Patria Bohemica ”, who give me first black Standard Schnauzer puppies.Since then at my kennel Z Hofjaru were born 80 litters of black Standard Schnauzers.


Beneath kindly see the most importand brood bitches:

Gipsy Patria Bohemice





Name of bitch

Dam of the bitch


BETY z Hofjaru

Gipsy Patria Bohemica

David od Popovky

GREY z Hofjaru

Bety z Hofjaru

Bingo Onyx

XERA z Hofjaru

Grey z Hofjaru

Fin z Nopaky

BETY z Hofjaru

Grey z Hofjaru

Andy ze Zuklínských plání

ELFEZ z Hofjaru

Xera z Hofjaru

Cerry z Údolí safari

FLÉR z Hofjaru

Xera z Hofjaru

Body z Areru

LAURA z Hofjaru

Elfez z Hofjaru

Body z Areru

TRIGI z Hofjaru

Elfez z Hofjaru

Orax z Hofjaru

ARKA Třetí z Hofjaru

Laura z Hofjaru

Asco vom Reimannsgrund

AGRA Třetí z Hofjaru

Laura z Hofjaru

Asco vom Reimannsgrund



Ch. res. World winner URSA z HOFJARU, fena je v Rusku.

About the stud dogs: I use for breeding, or Sires owned by kennel Z HOFJARU: First Sire I decided to use was imported from Switzerland “BINGO ONYX ”.After him I use “FIN Z NOPAKY” whos progeny was dooing realy well at shows. “ORAX Z HOFJARU” born at my home(lovely coby dog)I use him at my bitches. I imported dog from Holland kennel “COSON‘s”, who sired only couple litters.”COSSON’s CHAM GOING EAST ”. “EAST” as I call him, give the progeny fantastic movement and the top line. Unfortunetly I loose him at his only 4 years of age, due to uncurable sickness. I try everything, using the best veterinary services to my knovlege. I love him as MY BUDDY, and missing him up today.

Litters from DAM x SIRE I conssidder my self very prommissing:

DAM x SIRE Bety z Hofjaru x Bingo Onyx, Grey z Hofjaru x Fin z Nopaky, Xera and Elfe z Hofjaru x Body z Areru, Flér z Hofjaru x Adam Aprilia, Elfe and Laura z Hofjaru x Coson’s Cham going East

Show history: Before 1990 Czech Republic was behind Iron Curtain, and I was unable to participate at the western Europian dog shows.Sometime I managed to wisit “East” Germany and when I show my dogs there, my Standard Schnauzers where ,allways, on top list.


Of course not all dogs I bred was shown, but these which have been shown on the list beneath,( see results):

Graf z Hofjaru

State club winner and winner of onother 3 shows

Grace z Hofjaru

4x CACIB, Český šampion, Středoevropský vítěz, Národní vítěz, 6x BOB

Gria z Hofjaru

1x CACIB, Národní a Klubový vítěz, Český šampion, 3x BOB

Grey z Hofjaru

Polský šampion, Interšampion, 5x CACIB, VDH a jiné, maj. p. Suronovičová z Polska

Heron z Hofjaru

Národní vítěz, ČKŠ, 3x Oblastní vítěz

Klea z Hofjaru

Národní vítěz Polska, CWC, CACIB +++ s majitelem nejsem v kontaktu

Laura z Hofjaru

r.CACIB, 2x CACIB, 7x ČKŠ, 5x CAC, Nár. a Klub. vítěz, VDH, Český a Klubový šampion, 3x BOB

Lima z Hofjaru

Polský šampion, 3x CACIB, fena v Polsku, o dalších titulech nevím.

Reny z Hofjaru

Klubový vítěz SK, CACIB, Nár. vítěz

Uli z Hofjaru

Juniorchampion, ČKŠ, CAC, Vítěz menších výstav

Ursa z Hofjaru

Ruský champion, Champion RKF, 2x CACIB, 2x Klub. vítěz Ruska, BOB Wroclaw, Vítěz Ruska, BOB ISPU, BOB HSPK, r.CACIB World Dog show Helsinky (res. Světová vítězka)

Umi z Hofjaru

Klub. champion Německa, VDH Champion, CACIB aj. fena uhynula po vdechnutí jehly, maj. v BDR

Xar z Hofjaru

Polský šampion, CAC, 3x ČKŠ, 4x BOB, 2x Obl. vítěz

Xid z Hofjaru

Nár. vítěz, CAC, VDH Champion, maj v BDR

Arka třetí z Hofjaru

Vítěz CSV 98, 99, CAJC, 4x VT, 4x Oblastní vítěz, 5x ČKŠ, 8x CAC, 3x CWC, VDH, 5x CACIB, 7x BOB, Polský, český a klubový šampion, Interšampion, 2x Nejlepší knírač výstavy

In my breeding program, when I‘m picking the stud dog, I’m using my notes from Breed Trials, Shows, chat to onother top breeders and studying the Pedigrees.

For couple of years now, I do concentrate for Front and Hind Angulation, so as good long Head and elegant Neck.Ofcourse I do watch for full dentition and dark eye.

I do train my Standard Schnauzers and nearly all my brood bitches have past working tests too.

I personaly think that breeding of black Standard Schnauzers is more complicated.(Becose of seldom incomming of good new blood lines.) I can say that for the whole period I’m breeding black Standard Schnauzers only 4 males were imported.1st “”GENTO MUNDENTAL””, the sire of my base bitch “GIPSY”.Than imported from Switzerland “”BINGO ONYX”” who I mentioned above. Another imports, I did not consider good enough for my breeding program.


Since 1973 say from time to time I’m still breeding black MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS, now mostly using American blood lines.At the moment “”TIP TOP OFELIE Z HOFJARU”” and “” UX Z HOFJARU “ finished they Champion Title.




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