Jiří ŘEZNÍK, Milana Fialy 3, CZ - 700 30 Ostrava 3.


Rothbard pleads a libertarian conception of economics. This commentary on the Czech translation of selected works of M.N. Rothrbard (e.g. Power and Market) analyses Rothbard’s conception of individual, society, utility, state as well as economics in order to investigate, whether author cannot arrive at fallacies within framework of his programme (the destruction of the state and government). The solution offered by Rothbard is following: the competition of private police protection and insurance companies should ensure a security of individuals. Private policies and courts could protect individuals.

In fact, states cannot protect individuals. Governments can only protect a certain level of relations among individuals on a specific territory (an internal and external peace). Mutually competitive governments can and must be able to choose between a protection of the individuals (citizens) and a protection of the territory. Thanks possibility of the choice, an efficiency of the actions of governments could and can be major than the actions of private policies and courts. Taxes are a additional reward for this government that (previously and preventable) had been able to create space for an effective behaviour of individuals. That is why private companies are impossible to be regarded as a solution. These institutions can only complete activities of governments.

Keywords: libertarianism, individual, society, utility, state, government, tax, private police protection, insurance company.

JEL Classification: B3, H7

Full Czech Version publ. In Politická ekonomie, 50, 2002, No 6, p. 835-846

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