Politická ekonomie 2/1999

From Egoism to Izolationism

Jiří ŘEZNÍK, Milana Fialy, CZ – 70O 30 Ostrava

This commentary on Jiří Kinkor's book and papers analyses with a certain lapse of time whether the author cannot arrive at fallacies within the framework of his programme (i.e. the destruction of collectivism, altruism and statism) in connection with philosophy and economics. Kinkor pleads Objectivism (Ayn Rand's philosophy). However, he is not prepared to evolve a relevant structure of concepts in a factual conforntation with other research programmes (paradigms). Therefore, his contributions make a regression.

Other authors worked out the subjects discussed in his writings at a more concrete level of knowledge. The disregard of all results of other researches practically and the substitution of the concepts such as social welfare, externalities, market failure etc. for other concepts (unanimousness, side effects, market absence) do not have to represent by far the most competent way of a reality analysis. His approach can to be applied to an extensive interpretation of a government participation in economy. It is possible to lead the confrontation with the statism in a better way.

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